Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Basement Dweller

So there is a lady I work with here at the store who works in the lower level (aka the basement) and only comes up for the following reasons:

  • She is hungry and needs to go get food
  • She needs to speak to my boss
  • She needs to use the restroom
  • She has something b*tchy to say to me
I have dubbed her the basement dweller for a variety of reasons, despite her working downstairs.  She has such a negative attitude towards every thing and everyone.  She always treats people like crap, no matter who it is.  And the way she talks to people is deserving of someone who spends their life in a basement.  She is so beyond rude that it almost isn't worth saying anything nice to her.  I have tried to be nice and it always backfires in my face.  She is just such a snot.  She is supposedly British (I have yet to hear an accent or experience anything that suggest she is) and she is supposedly months away from retirement.  God, Yes please!

She always points out other people's mistakes, and, even after an explanation, continues to reprimand them for a small mistake.  AND YET- She makes bookkeeping mistakes all the time (costing up into the thousands!!!!) and makes excuse after excuse that people are just suppose to accept.  Such Bull!

She says she is going to show you how to do something even though you know how to do it and she treats you like you are stupid and 5 years old in the process.  She supposedly use to be a teacher??  Well, if she was my teacher I would have dropped out of her class faster than a bolt of lightning!  She is worse than my 7th grade math teacher!! ugh!

OK.  I think I am done ranting about the Basement Dweller today.  Hmm... Maybe calling her Gollum for short would be good... or is that going too far?