Monday, January 9, 2012

What's might be right for you, might not be right for some..

So everyone who is following me on here knows I have been trying to lose weight since before Jer and I got married... that is pushing 2 years.  I have tried going to the gym, counting calories, diet supplements, and everything else you can think of.  Nothing was working.  I got excited when I started working at my new job and I lost 5 lbs!  I was finally back in the 150's... well... Christmas screwed me out of that.  I am back into the 160's, if even by .4lbs.  It is driving me up a wall!  I don't have the patience for weight watchers. I don't have the space in my house to do the at home work outs, and I am not able to run due to my knee always giving out when I try. Someone stole my bike so that isn't an option.  Plus, my work schedule keeps me busy all day and makes me want to do nothing but crash when I get home.

So what do I do?

Well, I have decided to just do what is healthy.  I am replacing those sugary and salty snacks that I usually consume with fruits, veggies, and nuts.  I am trying to eat more veggies with meal, more fruit when I can, and I am trying to drink water instead of soda and sugary beverages.  I got a 100% juicy juice that I love for breakfasts that I drink, but besides that I am going to not get other drinks.  I am going to try to not crash out all the time at home.  Even if it is something as simple as cleaning the house while dancing to the iPod, I will do it.  I wish there was a mall closer to me so I could just walk around it a few times just to get some exercise in. Maybe on Sundays... who knows...

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