Friday, October 21, 2011

A little Kindness goes a Long Way

Today I had to deal with one of the most infuriating customer!  She was awful, said awful things to me and about me, and wouldn't listen to anything I had to say.  When she did walk away, she talked smack about me to the group of people she was meeting.  People do realize that the old saying of "You catch more flies with honey than vinegar" is pretty damn close to true right??

After work I came home to set up something that was wrong with my banking info for my student loan.  When I arrived home and loaded up the website something had gone crazy wrong.  All of my past payments had disappeared from my history, it said I was not paying until 2013, and there was a random payment on there.  I immediately called the company because clearly some wires had been crossed.  Again... stupid people are not something I tolerate very well... and the girl who finally answered the phone, after I waited for 10 minutes, was truly gem.  She was awful!  Didn't seem to understand anything I asked, copped an attitude with me which made me cop an attitude, and made me ask for a supervisor.  The supervisor was just as stupid and didn't seem to have any clue about how it could be fixed.  They also said that they wouldn't contact me when it was fixed.  They insisted that I just check back in a week.  Therefore I told them I wouldn't be making a payment until it was fixed.  I didn't need them making a mess of my bank account as well.

One good thing came up during work:  I Had A Great Idea On Fixing a Problem :-)  Yay for positivity in a close to lost day!

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