Friday, October 28, 2011

Babies, Babies everywhere but Not a Drop to Drink

Not to sound like Peter Griffin, but do you wanna know what really grinds my gears?  Lately there has been a lot of talk of pregnancy because two couples I work with are expecting babies, a few of my friends have had babies in the past few months, and now another one of my friends is expecting.  I am really excited for all of the people expecting, but I am not ready to have a baby yet.  So what is bothering me you ask?  All the people who keep asking me when am I going to have a baby?  Why aren't you pregnant yet?  or just the plain comment of "You should have a baby now."  I have come up with some retorts to this, but it doesn't stop people from asking those questions.  I finally snapped at one lady at work who told me to just have a baby already.  I said, "If you want me to have a baby so bad, why don't you give me the money to do so?  I certainly can't afford to have a child right now."  She was taken aback.  People on the outside don't seem to remember how expensive children are.  It's not like Jeremy and I don't want to have children, it is just at this point in time we can't afford to with all of our other current bills.  I have partially decided to take the little kid route and tell everyone to "mind your own beeswax!"  If I don't start the conversation with you about what our plan is or anything pertaining to it, what makes you think I want you to know??

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